the little pink pills
Okay, one of the things I'm realizing about the trip I am about to take is the amount of pills I take just shot up by about 7. I'm going to be a little walking pharmacy! We've got pepto (the little pink pills) which I hear are worth taking whether you need them or not every day, malaria pills, sleeping pills, asodophollyis (sp?) pills -- I think my body will be well covered!
I am also trying to prepare myself for the spiritual journey we are going on. There are no little pink pills to do so (!), but there are prayers that go up, and stories that are read, and intentional acts that are taken (like buying a new journal, and preparing my kids here at home for my absence), that I hope will prepare me too. Mostly, I pray for God to make me/us open to hear and see what he would have us hear and see. In some ways, no amount of preparation will be able to accomplish what God can accomplish in us.
I am also trying to prepare myself for the spiritual journey we are going on. There are no little pink pills to do so (!), but there are prayers that go up, and stories that are read, and intentional acts that are taken (like buying a new journal, and preparing my kids here at home for my absence), that I hope will prepare me too. Mostly, I pray for God to make me/us open to hear and see what he would have us hear and see. In some ways, no amount of preparation will be able to accomplish what God can accomplish in us.
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