The power of relationships

Hi friends! I have been absent from doing this for almost a month --what a slacker! But no looking back -- forward into the future. Incidently, today is fathers day, and so thanks be to God for my father who loves me, and my kids whom I love. Both are glimpses for me of what the Heavenly Father's love looks like in my life. I am grateful.
In fact, my relationships with these folks has got me thinking about relationships in general. I am currently at school right now (which makes my kids giggle) in Portland Oregon at George Fox Seminary studying leadership and spiritual formation for my doctor of ministry degree. This is my last time on campus with my fellow collegues and it is proving to be a bittersweet time. On the one had, I am thankful that I will be done with the on campus time (2 weeks 2 times a year is not all that convenient). But on the other hand, these relationships with pastors from around the country have proven to be more valuable and precious than I could have imagined. One person in my class has called these the "$18,000 friendships" (the cost of the program) that are worth every penny. I am confident that this will not be the last time I see these precious friends who are worth every penny.
The thing I've realized most of all this week is (again paraphrasing someone in my class's reflections) that relationships, especially Christian relationships, make us more human. That we are called the body of Christ, brothers and sisters in faith, because alone we are incomplete, but that together we bring each other to life, because the same Spirit alive in you is alive in me too. When we connect, it is Jesus who is in our very midst, and our awareness of our humanness lifts.
With my own father, with my wife, with my kids, and now with my doctoral friends, this has been the experience. I feel more human around them.
And around the rest of you too!
Blessings in Christ. I'll try to be more my postings.
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