The true enemy of relationships

(this month, many Crossroadians are reading the book Margin by Dr. Richard A. Swenson in an all-church summer book read. Below are a few of my own ponderings as I read the book...)
One of the a-ha's I've had so far reading Margin has to do with what is the true enemy of my spiritual and relational life...
Swenson writes, "Progress's biggest failure has been its inability to nurture and protect right relationships. If progress had helped here, I would have no quarrel with it. As we have already seen, progress builds by using the tools of economics, education, and technology. But what are the tools of the relational life? Are they not the social (my relationship to others), the emotional (my relationship to myself), and the spiritual (my relationship to God)? None of the tools of progress has helped build the relational foundation our society requires.
Margin, however, knows how to nurture relationship. In fact, Margin exists for relationship." p.30
Now, I might take a little issue with Dr. Swenson's belief that today's progress does nothing to help build relationships. In fact, through cheap long distance, email, facebook and the like I feel more connected now to people far away from me than ever before. Through facebook alone I've re-connected with friends I haven't seen for decades. It's remarkable and enriching.
But I think I understand what he means. Our progress has a tendency to allow us to speed up. I can now connect with more and more people, with faster and faster turn-around of information.
Progress itself is spoken of mostly in terms that are anti-depth. Relationships do not progress through speed but through slowness. They grow more like a plant taking root, through the slow steady watering of experience, time and sharing life.
Because of that, I think the true enemy of relationships is not progress but speed. Progress leads to speed, certainly. But it is speed that kills relationships.
When we are moving too fast to take time for our kids, speed kills.
When we are doing so many things that nothing gets our full attention, speed kills.
When we can't even spend time listening to God because our day is so packed, speed kills.
"Margin exists for relationship," Dr. Swenson says. Relationship is the pinnacle of our human experience. Relationship with God and with each other is at the heart. What will I do today to make sure I have enough room in my life for those relationships?
Lots to think about. Let me know what you think!
Labels: Margin
Hey Bro. Really liked your comments about the enemy or relationships. While I don't have the opportunity to read the book, I agree with your point that it is speed that kills. After reading your comments I thought of it in a different way, not sure if this is a word picture, but we often spend so much time scurring around that we scarcely give time for relationships to take root. Spending so much time cruising the surface and seemingly getting "stuff" done that we don't slow down enough to allow relationships to grow. Guilty. Time with my Lord, time with my wife, time with my kids. This is a good reminder to slow down to nurture these relationships to take better root. Thanks bro.
Jeff Schramm
Anonymous, at 2:31 AM
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